Cactus Mccoy

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Vistas 119421
Descargas 830
Tamaño 6.59 M
Extensión .SWF
Anchura 608
Altura 480
Estrellas 4
Cursed by the spiky emerald, you will now be found as Cactus McCoy! You must overcome various obstacles on your journey to fix the curse before the...

Cursed by the spiky emerald, you will now be found as Cactus McCoy! You must overcome various obstacles on your journey to fix the curse before the final phase of the curse turns you into Stone McCoy! It's a fun jumping game where you run around the Wild West with a cactus and destroy enemies. A total of 12 different stages are waiting for you, which you have to overcome. In addition, the game offers simple controls and interesting 2D retro graphics that you will surely love. So good luck and be sure to try the second part as well.

Arrow keys to move.
A key to jump.
S key to attack. 
D key to throw away the weapon.

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