Cactus Mccoy 2

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Vistas 63458
Descargas 708
Tamaño 9.9 M
Extensión .SWF
Anchura 608
Altura 480
Estrellas 3
Cactus McCoy is back and in full force. Try the second sequel of this great online game, where you will find a lot of enemies to defeat. The goal...

Cactus McCoy is back and in full force. Try the second sequel of this great online game, where you will find a lot of enemies to defeat. The goal will be to rescue your new friend who has been kidnapped. The game contains 12 new levels and you will have up to 75 weapons at your disposal. In addition, various new mechanics await you. Also, don't forget to collect checkpoints and treasure boxes during the game. You can upgrade your skills with the money you earn. In addition, the game offers fun gameplay and retro graphics.

Arrow keys to move.
A key to jump.
S key to attack.
D key to throwing the weapon away.

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