Crow In Hell: Affliction Hacked

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Vistas 89
Descargas 436
Tamaño 2.8 M
Extensión .SWF
Anchura 800
Altura 480
Estrellas 4
Hacked: You can access the cheats panel trough the sub-menu: "check" - Skip to the next checkpoint, "keys" - Earn 3 keys. The original Crow in Hell...

Hacked: You can access the cheats panel trough the sub-menu: "check" - Skip to the next checkpoint, "keys" - Earn 3 keys.

The original Crow in Hell game is back, with better graphics and a more tense game play. Immerse yourself in this dark and gloomy game of skill, where your reflexes will be put to test. Collect keys throughout the game to upgrade your Crow. Good luck and happy Halloween!


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